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Putin instructs Agency for Strategic Initiatives to develop update strategy for its work

In particular, the Russian leader highlighted the task of ASI to improve business conditions

MOSCOW, May 22. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) to develop an updated strategy for its work for the next 10 years.

"Issues of our internal policy, participation in the implementation of national projects must remain in the spotlight, it is in this logic that I ask you to develop and approve an updated strategy for your activities," the head of state said at a meeting of the ASI supervisory board. According to him, "this document should set the goals, objectives, and key tools of the ASI’s work on the horizon of the next decade."

In particular, Putin highlighted the task of ASI to improve business conditions. He positively assessed the experience of the national entrepreneurial initiative and the rating of the investment climate in the regions.

"We will constantly move forward and step up our efforts, because private initiative and entrepreneurial talent are called upon to continue to be the engine of the economy and the development of the country as a whole," the President noted.

The head of state also drew attention to the need to create "a system of guidelines for a comfortable business environment," which should involve all levels of government from municipalities to federal ministries and agencies."