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Food, medicines supplies to North completed by 75%, minister reports

The total amount of cargo to be shipped in 2023 is 3.7 million tons, where solid fuel is 2.5 million tons, liquid fuel - 1.1 million tons, Alexey Chekunov added

MOSCOW, October 27. /TASS/. The Northern Supplies shipments due in 2023 amount to 3.7 million tons, where Arctic regions received 75% of the planned food, medicines and solid fuel and 88% of planned liquid fuel, Russia's Minister for Development of the Far East and Arctic Alexey Chekunov told a meeting chaired by President Vladimir Putin.

"Right now, 75% of the planned solid fuel, 88% of the planned liquid fuel, 75% of the planned food and medicines have been delivered," he said, adding the process continues as planned.

The total amount of cargo to be shipped in 2023 is 3.7 million tons, where solid fuel is 2.5 million tons, liquid fuel - 1.1 million tons, socially significant food and non-food products, as well as medicines - 100,000 tons, he added.

The overall products for Yakutia's Arctic districts have been delivered via the Northern Sea Route (NSR). Earlier, many products used to be shipped there by railway. Some 80% of the Northern Supplies are brought to four regions - Yakutia, Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Magadan Region. The navigation is due to end in November or December, the minister said.

Yakutia has started working on a project to upgrade Arctic oil depots, where businesses are using the Far Eastern concession mechanisms.

Northern Supplies is a program to deliver food, medicines and fuel to remote villages and regions, including in the Arctic, which due to complicated weather conditions remain cut off in winter.