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Gazprom Neft postpones refinery turnarounds — CEO

Gazprom Neft increased sales of petroleum products via the exchange, met all the commitments towards agricultural producers and responded to their additional requests regarding volumes of fuel supplies, Alexander Dyukov said

MOSCOW, October 6. /TASS/. Gazprom has shifted turnarounds at its refineries scheduled in September to have the opportunity to continue fuel production and its deliveries to the domestic market, CEO Alexander Dyukov said on the air with the Rossiya-24 TV Channel.

"Speaking about the situation occurred in September, Gazprom Neft responded promptly. We made amendments in the turnaround schedule. Accordingly, we postponed deadlines for turnarounds scheduled in September, making it possible for us to continue producing engine fuels and deliver them to the domestic market," the chief executive said.

Gazprom Neft increased sales of petroleum products via the exchange, met all the commitments towards agricultural producers and responded to their additional requests regarding volumes of fuel supplies, Dyukov said. "We also endeavored to offer petroleum products at the exchange and in the retail segment at our petrol stations at lower prices," he added.