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Kamchatka authorities eyeing fish exchange

"I am looking in this direction - to the side of port infrastructure, the exchange and creation of the interstate territory," Vladimir Solodov said

VLADIVOSTOK, September 13. /TASS/. Kamchatka authorities are eyeing an option of creating a fish exchange in the international advance development territory (IADT) if the relevant regime goes live in the region, head of the region Vladimir Solodov told TASS on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

"We are exploring an opportunity of creating IADT on the territory of Kamchatka. The fish exchange project is the most promising. It is progressing with us irrespective of IADT but if a site with an international jurisdiction and the international ADT advantage is allocated for the exchange, this will give an impetus to the project. I am looking in this direction - to the side of port infrastructure, the exchange and creation of the interstate territory," Solodov said.