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Last year’s grain harvest sets record in Russia’s modern history — Putin

In general, the Russian agro-industrial complex shows a very positive trend.

MOSCOW, May 18. /TASS/. The grain harvest that was gathered in Russia last year set a record in the country's modern history, President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting on Thursday.

"In general, the Russian agro-industrial complex shows a very positive trend. Thus, last year the agricultural production index amounted to 110.2%. A record grain harvest of almost 158 million tons was gathered. This has never been the case before in [the country’s] modern history," he said.

Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev, confirmed that " in the time of the RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) this did not happen and in the modern history of Russia this did not happed before either - this is the first time.".