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Russia's foreign trade surplus reaching $238 bln in January-September 2022 — Central Bank

"The positive balance of the goods and services balance worth $238 bln played the key role in evolution of the indicator, being $130.2 bln above the figure in January-September 2021," the regulator said

MOSCOW, October 11. /TASS/. The foreign trade surplus in Russia soared more than 2.2 times year-on-year and amounted to $238 bln in January-September 2022, the Central Bank of Russia reported on Tuesday.

The current account surplus surged from $123.1 bln to $198.4 bln in the reporting period.

"The positive balance of the goods and services balance worth $238 bln played the key role in evolution of the indicator, being $130.2 bln above the figure in January-September 2021, in the environment of the comfortable price situation for key goods of Russian export and the decline in imports in cost volumes," the regulator said.