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West must accept responsibility for Ukraine crisis, engage in peace talks — Maduro

Nicolas Maduro stressed that Russian President Vladimir Putin "is enjoying his greatest political power over the last 20 years" while Russia "beat sanctions in the economic war" and bolstered its economy
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro
© AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos

CARACAS, May 14. /TASS/. Western countries are responsible for installing the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine and plotting aggression against Russia, but now must participate in peace negotiations, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Venezolana de Television.

"Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, NATO countries have been cheating Russia and never fulfilled any agreements that would have guaranteed its security, tried to isolate it and then installed a neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine and plotted aggression against Russia," Maduro said. He noted that Russia had to act against the neo-Nazis and criticized European countries which, "being the victims of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco, became the main accomplices of the Kiev neo-Nazi regime."

Maduro stressed that Russian President Vladimir Putin "is enjoying his greatest political power over the last 20 years" while Russia "beat sanctions in the economic war" and bolstered its economy, scientific and technical potential and financial system. "Russia is engaging all economic engines and is now the world’s fifth economy <…>, it is winning militarily. The sole alternative left for the West is to agree to peace negotiations and respect Russia’s sovereignty," the Venezuelan leader emphasized.