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US considers likelihood of all Israeli hostages being rescued extremely low — report

Earlier, an IDF representative said that the confirmed number of hostages held in the Gaza Strip has reached 203, and it is not final

WASHINGTON, October 19. /TASS/. The likelihood of all Israeli hostages held by the Hamas movement being rescued is believed to be extremely low, an unnamed US Administration source told Newsweek.

"There is a grim acknowledgement that the likelihood of all the hostages being rescued is extremely low," the official said, calling to get prepared for the worst-outcome scenario.

Earlier, an IDF representative said that the confirmed number of hostages held in the Gaza Strip has reached 203, and it is not final. At the same time, Hamas official Hisham Qasem said that this is an opportunity for the movement to achieve liberation of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.

On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden said that the US considers it its top priority to liberate the hostages, captured by Hamas militants. He noted that he is unable to disclose any details regarding US operations on liberation of hostages.

The situation in the Middle East has escalated abruptly after an armed infiltration of HAMAS militant from the Gaza Strip into Israel. The HAMAS movement considers this attack a response to the actions of Israeli authorities towards the Al Aqsa Mosque at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Israel announced a complete blockade of the Gaza Strip and started carrying out strikes at the enclave and at certain areas of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes also take place in the West Bank.