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US to respond proportionately to Russia’s expulsion of two diplomats — Embassy in Moscow

A representative of the US Embassy in Moscow noted that Washington “completely rejects” the accusations that served as the reason for declaring two employees of the US Embassy in Moscow persona non grata

MOSCOW, September 14. /TASS/. Washington will give a proportionate response to the expulsion of two US diplomats from Russia, a representative of the US Embassy in Moscow told TASS.

"The US government will respond proportionately," the person said.

He said Washington "fully rejects" the accusations that served as the reason for declaring two employees of the US Embassy in Moscow personae non gratae.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said earlier that it summoned US Ambassador to Russia Lynne Tracy and issued her a diplomatic note stating that the actions of the embassy’s first and second secretaries were inconsistent with diplomatic status. They were declared personae non gratae and have to leave the country within seven days, it said.