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DPRK confirms friendship with Russia not with words, but in deeds — expert on Kim’s visit

Political scientist Alexander Zhebin added that Pyohgyang voted against anti-Russian resolutions on the UN platform, and repeatedly vowed support for Russia in its struggle to defend its national interests

MOSCOW, September 12. /TASS/. In the current geopolitical situation, Pyongyang demonstrates its friendship with Moscow not in words but in deeds, political scientist Alexander Zhebin, an expert on Korean affairs, told TASS ahead of the upcoming visit of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to Russia.

"In such turbulent and unstable times, it is crucial to strengthen ties with friendly states. The DPRK is a friendly state that has demonstrated its friendship not in words but in deeds when it voted against anti-Russian resolutions on the UN platform, and repeatedly vowed support for Russia in its struggle to defend its national interests against aggression by NATO and its accomplices," Zhebin said.

He sees "all conditions for the leaders of Russia and the DPRK to discuss the current situation in the world."

"It has become clear who are friends, who are enemies and who are hesitant. We know the countries which express understanding of Russia’s goals in the special military operation and of Russia’s foreign policy, which is aimed at building a multipolar world and maintaining ties with the countries that defend their independence, sovereignty," he added.

Wide range

Zhebin drew attention to the fact that the two countries had a wide range of areas that could be developed.

"Take tourism. This resource of bilateral interaction is yet to be tapped. Also, there is still no direct air link between the two countries. The construction of a pontoon bridge was discussed earlier," he added.

Also, according to the specialist, energy is a traditional area of cooperation. "Almost all major thermal power plants in the DPRK were built with our technical and economic assistance. The range of our economic and humanitarian cooperation is very wide, indeed, and I think that these topics will be touched upon during Kim’s visit," Zhebin believes.

Kim’s visit

Earlier, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the meeting between the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong Un would take place in the coming days. The Korean Central News Agency also reported the DPRK leader's upcoming visit to Russia. The DPRK's state radio Voice of Korea said that Kim Jong Un left Pyongyang on September 10 in the afternoon on a special train and headed to Russia on a visit.