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Ukraine not to abstain from attempting terrorist attacks in Energodar — local official

Head of the city’s military-civilian administration Eduard Senovoz pointed out that security measures were currently very strong not only for the city itself but also for the ZNPP

ENERGODAR, August 11. /TASS/. Russian law enforcement agencies and security services are constantly uncovering attempts to commit terrorist acts in Energodar, site of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), Eduard Senovoz, head of the city’s military-civilian administration, told reporters.

"We cannot predict what specific provocations Ukraine may come up with. There have been such provocations as shelling of the city [of Energodar], and there have been terrorist acts committed within the city limits. I will not say that the other side does not exhibit an interest [in carrying out such actions]. There are continuous attempts to carry out terrorist acts within the city limits. <...> Tens of kilograms of explosives - plastic explosives, TNT and strike elements - have been found in cars," Senovoz said.

He pointed out that security measures are currently very strong not only for the city itself but also for the ZNPP. "I would like to note the highly professional work of all [law enforcement,] security and defense agencies and services that provide for the safety of the city. <...> Security is provided both for municipal facilities and directly for the nuclear power plant," the head of Energodar said.

Senovoz also stressed that threats to civilians are spread through Ukrainian Telegram channels. "There are threats both to individual residents of the city and in general: that Energodar will be brought back under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian authorities. They threaten people who are living a peaceful life, who work in the Russian legal sphere. <...> They constantly broadcast the idea that ‘soon we (Ukraine - TASS) will seize Energodar, we will return,'" he pointed out. According to the head of the administration, all such threats, including those related to incidents at the ZNPP, have no real grounds and are aimed at putting psychological pressure on city residents and plant workers.

The ZNPP, located in Energodar, has six power units with a total capacity of 6 GW. It is Europe‘s largest nuclear power generating facility. At the end of February 2022, the facility was taken over by Russian forces. Since then, Ukrainian army units have periodically shelled both residential areas in Energodar and the plant itself using drones, heavy artillery and multiple rocket launchers.