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Schismatics attempt to seize UOC church in Kiev region

Among those gathered outside the temple, many are singing the Ukrainian anthem

MOSCOW, April 22. /TASS/. Schismatics of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) are trying to seize control of a church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) located in the Kiev region’s village of Trebukhov, the Union of Orthodox Journalists reported.

"Trebukhov, the Kiev region. They (schismatics - TASS) attempt to seize a UOC church," the organization said in a message on its Telegram channels. It also published a video showing people trying to break into the church. Among those gathered outside the temple, many are singing the Ukrainian anthem.

Tensions over the UOC, which the Ukrainian authorities are trying to shut out, are heating up every day. Under Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, the government has prepared and introduced to the parliament a bill aimed at banning the UOC. At the same time, the authorities actively promote the schismatic Orthodox Church of Ukraine, created from two non-canonical churches in 2018 under Pyotr Poroshenko, who was Ukraine’s president at the time.

The Kiev regime supports the policy of driving the UOC out. Over the past year, UOC priests have been accused of high treason or sanctioned while the takeover of churches by schismatics has intensified. In March, the UOC’s lease at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was terminated while its monks were told to leave the premises. UOC clergymen are charged with state treason, sanctions are introduced against them, and 13 of them were stripped of their citizenship.