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Turkey ready to send ship for evacuation of people from Azovstal — Erdogan’s spokesman

Under the plan, people evacuated from the vast Azovstal steel plant would be taken by land to the port of Berdyansk

ANKARA, May 14. /TASS/. Ankara is ready to send a ship for evacuation of Ukrainian nationalists and civilians from the Azovstal plant in Mariupol, Turkish Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said in an interview for Reuters Saturday.

"Under the plan, people evacuated from the vast Azovstal steel plant would be taken by land to the port of Berdyansk, which like Mariupol is on the Sea of Azov, and a Turkish vessel would take them across the Black Sea to Istanbul," Kalin told Reuters. "If it can be done that way, we are happy to do it. We are ready. In fact our ship is ready to go and bring the injured soldiers and other civilians to Turkey.".