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1 Jan 2024, 02:30

Russia's first government-run news agency TASS to turn 120 in 2024

TASS Director-General Andrey Kondrashov noted that the main task of the organization has always been to protect the interests of the country in the information field

MOSCOW, January 1. /TASS/. Russia's news agency TASS, the country's first unified media outlet for disseminating official information, will turn 120 on September 1, 2024. The agency's forerunner, the St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency (SPTA), went on line on September 1, 1904.

"The year 2024 will see a landmark date for TASS. We will be 120 years old. Our past is a source of special pride. Throughout its entire history the agency never paused operation for a moment and kept doing its job of the central state news agency. The main task of TASS has always been the protection of the country's interests in the information space and it remains so. This was the case in the Russian Empire, during the most dramatic moments of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, in the USSR, and nowadays. Since its foundation, TASS has remained committed to its mission - to promptly report reliable and accurate information about the most important events in Russia and the world," said TASS Director-General Andrey Kondrashov.

The agency's high priority tasks include coverage of Russia's state policy and public affairs, preservation of the country's social, historical and cultural heritage, information exchanges and cooperation with global, national and regional news agencies, mass media, and artistic cultural and non-governmental organizations.

TASS profile

TASS these days is one of the most quoted news agencies in Russia. Every day it delivers about 3,000 reports in the six official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) and an average 700 photos and videos from its own correspondents in Russia and abroad, forming a comprehensive and objective picture of events inside the country and around the world.

TASS regional information centers in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg, dozens of outlets in Russia’s regions, as well as 57 foreign bureaus in 52 countries promptly gather and disseminate up-to-date and verified information about what is happening in the country and the world to the widest audience. TASS is the only media outlet that has its own correspondent on the International Space Station.

The website is one of the largest online media platforms in Russia. The agency offers 70 news feeds and thematic services. TASS content is represented in all social networks available in Russia.

TASS Media Bank contains 50 million pieces of content: up-to-date news photos and videos from TASS correspondents in Russia and abroad, as well as contributions from domestic and foreign partners, stock photos, infographics and archival images, the oldest ones dating back to the 19th century.

Modern media resources and digital projects are being developed under the TASS brand. These include the information and educational project This is the Caucasus - a bird’s eye view of everyday life, customs and traditions of the North Caucasus, as well as the project Newm and TD, addressed to children and teenagers.

Every year TASS holds more than 1,500 media events and organizes high-profile business forums, featuring key experts, opinion leaders, top government and business officials, and science and culture workers. The agency maintains partnership with more than 200 media outlets from 112 countries and takes part in the largest global and regional media associations.

The TASS Director-General chairs the CIS Council of Heads of State News Agencies (CIS Information Council). A representative from TASS leads the Russian Committee of the UNESCO International Program for the Development of Communication (IPDC), and holds seats on the Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO’s IPDC and the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.

TASS employs a staff of 1,800. In 2023, the agency’s employees received about 300 awards.