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Final results of Sputnik V trials won’t differ from current ones, vaccine developer says

Earlier, The Lancet published results of Phase Three clinical trials of the Russian vaccine according to which it is one of the safest and the most effective worldwide

MOSCOW, February 5. /TASS/. Final results of trials of the Sputnik V vaccine against the coronavirus which are planned to be obtained in May 2021 should not seriously differ from the existing ones, Alexander Gintsburg, Director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Healthcare Ministry that developed the vaccine, said.

"According to the protocol, the inoculated individuals are observed for six months for long-term consequences. This term for the last vaccinated person within the framework of Phase Three trials will expire at some point in May. So the final results will be obtained in May. There shouldn’t be any deviations [from the interim results]," he said in a joint interview with TASS and the Kazinform news agency.

He also noted that no serious adverse reactions were observed in volunteers after administering the vaccine, and standard side effects are observed only in 15%.

Earlier, The Lancet medical journal published results of Phase Three clinical trials of the Russian vaccine according to which it is one of the safest and the most effective worldwide. The preparation’s efficacy amounts to 91.6%, among inoculated volunteers over 60 - to 91.8%. Antibodies to the coronavirus after vaccination with Sputnik V were detected in 98% of inoculated volunteers. All participants developed cellular immunity. The immunity after inoculation was 1.3-1.5 times higher than after the infection.