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Russian intel learns US looking for Zelensky’s successor

However, the agent notes that the Americans and the Europeans would like Zelensky to retain his post for now because "he is crucial for the war financing schemes that make big money for both the Kiev regime’s officials and Western arms manufacturers"

MOSCOW, July 11. /TASS/. Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has received information from one of its agents in Kiev that the US is searching for a successor to incumbent Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, according to a declassified code cable published in the Razvedchik (Scout) magazine.

"According to the reports, the West is highly concerned about public sentiment trends in Ukraine. The US Department of State and the European External Action Service point out that Ukrainian citizens are growing increasingly dissatisfied with the prolonged conflict with Russia; apathy is quickly setting in and distrust towards government institutions is growing, especially since Zelensky completely lost legitimacy after his five-year presidential term expired on May 20," the document reads.

However, the agent notes that the Americans and the Europeans would like Zelensky to retain his post for now because "he is crucial for the war financing schemes that make big money for both the Kiev regime’s officials and Western arms manufacturers." That said, Washington and its allies are seeking to persuade Zelensky’s opponents in Ukraine to exercise restraint "for the time being," the document notes.

Meanwhile, the Americans have stepped up efforts to find an alternative for the incumbent Ukrainian president, the cable code says. Contact has been established with Pyotr Poroshenko, leader of the European Solidarity Party, and Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko.

"They are also secretly working with head of the Ukrainian Presidential Office Andrey Yermak, former Ukrainian armed forces Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny and ex-Parliament Speaker Dmitry Razumkov. These figures may become more attractive in case the situation on the frontline deteriorates dramatically and an urgent need arises to change the country’s leader. This is when it will be possible to choose one of the above mentioned personalities, blaming all failures on Zelensky," the resident said.