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BRICS becoming powerhouse of fair world order buildup — Putin

"It is exactly BRICS that is acting as the powerhouse of building up the fair and democratic order based on principles of genuine equal rights, free from dictate and power politics," the Russian leader stressed

MOSCOW, June 25. /TASS/. BRICS has now becoming a powerhouse in building the fair world order, equal and free from dictation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in the welcoming address to participants in the Primakov Greetings forum, read by Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov.

"I have no doubts you will also consider the role and prospects of further development of BRICS - the association representing interests of the world majority and where Russia presides this year," the head of state said.

"It is exactly BRICS that is acting as the powerhouse of building up the fair and democratic order based on principles of genuine equal rights, free from dictate and power politics," Putin stressed.