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China, Russia intensify cooperation amid Western sanctions frenzy — trade envoy

Alexey Dakhnovsky pointed to buoyant bilateral trade, expanding joint projects and very busy schedule of meetings between the two countries’ businessmen

BEIJING, June 14. /TASS/. Russia and China have strengthened economic cooperation amid a flurry of Western sanctions, Russian Trade Representative in China Alexey Dakhnovsky said.

"The COVID-19 pandemic and an unprecedented flurry of anti-Russian sanctions from the collective West challenged the trade and economic ties between Russia and China <...>. The efforts taken by our governments and well-coordinated work as well as the creativity, flexibility and resourcefulness of business leaders from Russia and China helped turn the crisis into a real window of opportunity," he said at a presentation of southeastern Siberia’s Irkutsk Region at the Beijing Exhibition Center. To illustrate his point, the Russian trade commissioner pointed to buoyant bilateral trade, expanding joint projects and very busy schedule of meetings between the two countries’ businessmen.

Also, Russian producers, including oil and gas suppliers, manufacturers, steelmakers, chemical companies and wood-processing factories, have diversified their exports from Western markets to embrace China, Dakhnovsky said.

The Word about the Russian Heart festival is being held at the Beijing Exhibition Center from June 12 to 15, with over 20 Russian regions taking part. The cultural and educational project commemorates the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries.