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Russia imposes sanctions against 18 British citizens — Foreign Ministry

In addition, the ministry noted that the British strategy on the Ukrainian track, which leads to further escalation and casualties, "regularly gets reflected in cheeky remarks, filled with the sense of impunity, by British politicians and military establishment"

MOSCOW, February 12. /TASS/. In response to the UK’s confrontational course, Russia imposed sanctions against 18 UK citizens, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced.

"In response to London’s continued confrontational course, which includes efforts to demonize our country, active fabrication of anti-Russian narratives in a bid to weaken Russia’s influence on the international arena, and further pumping of the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine with weapons, a decision was made to include a number of British military and political establishment figures and representatives of British academic community to the Russian stop list," the Ministry said.

Russia imposed sanctions against Royal Navy Director of Submarines Simon Asquith, National Cyber Force Commander Tim Neal-Hopes, Prime Minister’s special envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach and Minister of State for Defense Procurement James Cartlidge. The expanded sanctions list also includes a number of British officials, including Deputy Chief of the Defense Staff Roland Walker, Deputy National Security Adviser Sarah MacIntosh, Members of the House of Lords Daniel John Hannan, Michael Ashcroft and Ray Collins.

The Ministry also underscored that the largest Western educational institutions significantly contribute to London’s sabotage operations on the Russian track.

"We have to state that Russophobic-minded British representatives do not shy away from participating in actions, aimed at discrediting the constitutional order and socio-political processes in our country," the Ministry added.

In addition, the ministry noted that the British strategy on the Ukrainian track, which leads to further escalation and casualties, "regularly gets reflected in cheeky remarks, filled with the sense of impunity, by British politicians and military establishment."

"Pushing the Zelensky regime to further bloodshed, the British must comprehend that, together with the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, they are responsible for crimes against civilians," the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out.

"The work on expansion of the Russian ‘stop list’ in response to the hostile actions of the British will continue," the Ministry concluded.