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Putin has not yet decided if he will run for president in 2024 — Kremlin

"It is clear that the moment of announcement is drawing near. But there are no decisions yet," Dmitry Peskov said

MOSCOW, November 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet made any decisions about running for president in 2024, Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.

His comment followed the daily Kommersant's publication that the Russian presidential staff was reportedly discussing the composition of a future initiative group to nominate Putin for the election. The article claimed that he might run for president as a self-nominated candidate.

"It is clear that this topic is increasingly attracting the attention of political analysts and specialists. So far, no decisions have been made in this regard. It is clear that the moment of announcement is drawing near. But there are no decisions yet. As soon as they are made, we will inform you," Peskov told the media.