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Impossible to name end date of special op in Ukraine — Russian Foreign Ministry

Alexey Polishchuk noted that, at the same time, "the questions about [the special operation’s] deadlines are telling," as the fatigue with the Ukrainian crisis "is being felt increasingly worldwide and especially in the West"

MOSCOW, November 2. /TASS/. Neither diplomats nor the military nor politicians can currently pinpoint the exact end date of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, Alexey Polishchuk, director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Second CIS Department, said in an interview with TASS.

"At this time, nobody can name the exact final date of the special military operation. Neither diplomats nor the military nor politicians," the diplomat emphasized.

Polishchuk noted that, at the same time, "the questions about [the special operation’s] deadlines are telling." "They show the growing fatigue with the Ukrainian crisis, which is being felt increasingly worldwide and especially in the West," the diplomat explained. "As we have repeatedly stated, the special military operation will end once its goals have been achieved and the tasks set forth have been implemented. The most important thing is that threats to Russia’s security emanating from Ukrainian territory must be eliminated," he concluded.