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Medvedev says decision to conduct military operation in Georgia in 2008 was hard to make

The politician said there were other big decisions, too, such as declaring South Ossetia and Abkhazia independent states

MOSCOW, April 25. /TASS/. Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev spoke about the difficult decisions he had to make during his presidency. He shared his recollections with participants at the Znanie educational marathon.

In general, "it is difficult to separate the important decisions from the less important ones."

"A very important decision was made when the Security Council (with support from the Federation Council) opted to conduct a military operation to bring peace to Georgia, the so-called Five-Day War. It was certainly a difficult decision for me personally, being president at the time, to make," Medvedev said.

He said there were other big decisions, too, such as declaring South Ossetia and Abkhazia independent states.

"Those were also difficult decisions that required discussion, weighing pros and cons and maximum attention," Medvedev recalled.

He mentioned decisions related to the development of the Russian military-industrial complex, the salaries of military servicemen and law enforcement officers.

"I hope that some of the decisions made at that time, including those related to the defense industry, have served us well," Medvedev concluded.