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Russia has no need for ‘sensitive’ US technologies allegedly kept at ZNPP — ambassador

Anatoly Antonov noted that domestic solutions in the field of nuclear energy are absolutely independent and sovereign

WASHINGTON, April 21. /TASS/. Russia does not need sensitive US technologies, which, according to media reports, are allegedly kept at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP) to ensure the functioning of its reactors, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov has said.

"We have to note that the local press with enviable frequency publishes dubious news before gaining insight in the issue," the ambassador said in a written statement, published by the embassy. "There is an obvious desire to twist the ‘leaks’ from the Administration so as to accuse Russia - of anything at all. Even without cause."

"I would like to emphasize once again that our country has always been adhering to its international obligations in the field of nonproliferation and export controls," Antonov continued. "In cooperation with the IAEA, it ensures compliance with all rules and norms of nuclear security and physical protection at the Zaporozhye NPP. Goods and technologies located at the station are used exclusively for peaceful purposes."

"And on the whole, we do not need any American know-how to maintain the functioning of power units - we have enough of our own," he added.

The diplomat went on to say that "Russian nuclear technologies need no additional advertising."

"Our nuclear energy solutions are absolutely independent and sovereign. More than 50 countries throughout the world choose Russia as their partner. Russian NPPs are stable, reliable, and modern. Russian uranium products are in demand on the Eurasian, African and both American continents," he said.

"As for the notorious ‘leaks,’ I would like to recommend that representatives of the Administration address any concerns directly to the Russian counterparts and resolve emerging issues in a calm manner. First of all, through diplomatic channels rather than ‘leaks’ to the media," the ambassador’s statement says. "We consider any threats to us about the application of US criminal law to pseudo-violations of US export control rules to be extremely inappropriate and unacceptable.".