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Summit for Democracy provokes destabilization of global situation — Russian diplomat

The US administration, which has initiated two Summits for Democracy, is obviously seeking to "form a kind of a democratic coalition to counter Russia, China, Iran and other countries the Americans have branded as ‘autocracies", Anatoly Antonov said

WASHINGTON, April 14. /TASS/. The Summit for Democracy and other such Western projects only undermine generally accepted approaches and provoke the destabilization of the situation in the world, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov told TASS on Friday.

"We are convinced that such ‘parties’ undermine generally recognized approaches to the democratic system of states, provoke riots and destabilize the situation - as a matter of fact, they trigger color revolutions which are geared to result in a change of governments in America’s interests," he said. "It is alarming that the summit organizers are expanding their outreach, imposing some rules of conduct in the areas of high and dual technology. As a matter of fact, we have seen attempts at reviving such an archaic cold war instrument as the CoCom (Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls - TASS).

"We are firmly convinced that America’s ideas about color revolutions, especially under the pretext of human rights advocacy, are to be rejected. These values must not be used as an instrument of pressure on other countries. We are convinced that the politicization of this topic will only add to the propensity toward conflicts in international relations. Every state has its strengths and shortcomings. Hence, efforts to rectify these shortcomings cannot be universal and rest on coalitions under the slogan ‘he who is not with us is against us,’" he said.

According to the Russian diplomat, the US administration, which has initiated two Summits for Democracy, is obviously seeking to "form a kind of a democratic coalition to counter Russia, China, Iran and other countries the Americans have branded as ‘autocracies." "They invited some 120 countries and territories, including Kosovo and Taiwan. Naturally, they did not invite Russia, China, Turkey, or Hungary to this ‘party.’ Bangladesh, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam were also absent. The summit was used for anti-Russian attacks. But not all of its participants, although there were quite a lot of them (74 countries and territories), signed the final document," Antonov recalled.

"The Americans do not reflect on how to take into account differences in history, culture, or religion. They’re trying to put everyone in the same box," he added.