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Most countries understand Russia’s attitude to West’s disregard of its interests — Lavrov

The United States and the United Kingdom use such methods to force non-aligned and all other world countries to change their opinion about Russia, Russian Foreign Minister said

MOSCCOW, August 28. /TASS/. The overwhelming majority of countries either think that Russia’s concerns over years-long ignoring of its legitimate security interests by the West are justified or hold neutral position on Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Zvezda television channel, which was posted on the foreign ministry’s website on Sunday.

"The United States and the United Kingdom, and obedient Europe unashamedly use such methods to force non-aligned and all other world countries to change their opinion about Russia. I said to change, because the overwhelming majority of these nations either think that out attitude to the West’s years-long disregard to Russia’s legitimate interests in the sphere of security is justified, or want to take a neutral position," he said in the interview for a documentary about the Nonaligned Movement. "They are being bent across the knee, sparing no means. They are even threatened publicly that if anyone of them refuses to obey, it will be bad."

According to Lavrov, when such "unacceptable, boorish threats" are addressed to, for instance, India, it makes one doubt "the adequacy of Western speakers and their understanding of the national identity of such a nation as Indians.".