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Electronic warfare disabled drone that fell in Voronezh

On Friday, Voronezh Region Governor Alexander Gusev reported that a drone had crashed on Belinsky Street in Voronezh

TASS, June 9. A drone that crashed into an apartment building in Voronezh tried to attack the city aircraft factory but was disabled by electronic warfare, law enforcement agencies told TASS.

"The target of the drone attack, according to operational information, was an aircraft factory. The unmanned aerial vehicle flew in its direction. The drone was suppressed by means of electronic warfare, and its wreckage hit an apartment building," the source said.

On Friday, Voronezh Region Governor Alexander Gusev reported that a drone had crashed on Belinsky Street in Voronezh. Special services are working at the site. Three civilians were injured. They were provided with medical assistance, hospitalization was not necessary.