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Russian pipeline gas supplies to Europe up 21% in January-April — GECF

Total gas consumption in the EU lost 5% in January-April year-on-year to 135 bln cubic meters

MOSCOW, May 16. /TASS/. EU countries reduced gas consumption in April 2024 by 12% in annual terms amid warm weather and a decrease in industrial demand. Meanwhile imports of pipeline gas in the EU fell by 2% last month, while overall its supplies from Russia to Europe increased by 21% year-to-date, the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) reported.

Total gas consumption in the EU lost 5% in January-April year-on-year to 135 bln cubic meters.

"Gas consumption in the EU witnessed a notable decrease of 12% year-on-year in April 2024, largely due to an unusually warm weather that lessened the need for heating. Europe experienced its second warmest April on record, with the average temperature 1.49°C above the 1991-2020 April norm. The highest temperature deviations were observed in Eastern European regions," the report said. Moreover, gas consumption slightly fell in the industrial sector, even amid a decline in gas prices.

In particular, gas demand decreased by 8% in April to 6 bln cubic meters in Germany, by 13% to 4.1 bln cubic meters in Italy, by 14% to 2.4 bln cubic meters in France, by 5% to 2 bln cubic meters in Spain, and by 12% to 4.5 bln cubic meters in the UK.

Imports of pipeline gas to the EU amounted to 13.4 bln cubic meters in April, down by 4% month-on-month and by 2% year-on-year. Overall, pipeline supplies to the EU added 3% year-to-date to 53 bln cubic meters. The growth was due to an increase in supplies from Russia by 21% and from Azerbaijan by 8%, the Gas Exporting Countries Forum said. The shares of gas from Norway and Russia in total volume of pipeline supplies amounted to 56% and 18%, respectively.

China’s total gas consumption grew by 11% in March year-on-year to 36.4 bln cubic meters, according to the report.

LNG supplies to Europe fell by 27% in April year-on-year to 9.01 mln tones due to a decrease in gas demand, full storage facilities and a stable volume of pipeline imports. LNG imports by Asian countries gained 16% to record 23.35 mln tons. Overall in January-April Europe imported 39.25 mln tons of LNG (down by 17% compared with last year), while Asia imported 96.38 mln tons (up by 11%).

Global LNG exports went down by 3.9% in April year-on-year to 33.73 mln tons. Year-to-date global LNG exports increased by 1.4% to 141.25 mln tons.

Australia, Qatar and the US were top three suppliers of liquefied gas in April, the GECF said, adding that Russia was the fourth.