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Forestry revenues gain 8% in Russian budget

The Russian Federal Agency for Forestry is encouraging development of the forestry sector and supporting plants for adaptation to changed foreign economic conditions

MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/. Forestry revenues in 2023 amounted to 50.22 bln rubles ($557.6 mln), which is 8% higher than the like indicator for 2022, the press service of the Russian Federal Agency for Forestry said.

"Forestry revenues to the federal budget of the Russian Federation, despite the evolved situation associated with overcoming of external sanction barriers, building new logistical routes and changes of selling markets, were above 2022 figures and totaled 50.22 bln rubles," Deputy Head of the Agency Anastasia Vinokurova said, cited by the press service.

The Agency is proactively encouraging development of the forestry sector and supporting plants for adaptation to changed foreign economic conditions, she added.