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EU to expand ban on goods re-export — Russian Foreign Ministry

Brussels made earlier the decision to introduce a so-called "No Russia Clause" to be inserted compulsorily into contracts of European companies for supplies of dual-use products and technologies

MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. The European Union will continue expanding the nomenclature of goods prohibited for re-export to Russia, spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said.

"As we understand, the inventory will not be limited by the current short list of the goods. Brussels will endeavor to expand the list, hoping to undermine mutually beneficial trade and economic ties between our country and our partners and friends, including Turkey, by the way," the diplomat said.

Brussels made earlier the decision to introduce a so-called "No Russia Clause" to be inserted compulsorily into contracts of European companies for supplies of dual-use products and technologies. This step became an element of the 12th package of sanctions against Russia.
