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Russia’s coal production rises by 0.9% to 315 mln tons in January — September

Total coal production in Russia decreased by 1.4% in September 2023 compared to September last year, reaching 35 mln tons

MOSCOW, October 25. /TASS/. Coal production in Russia in January - September 2023 reached 315 mln tons, which is 0.9% more than the same period last year, according to the Russian State Statistics Service (Rosstat).

Over the nine months, coal production of all types decreased in annual terms by 0.5% to 250 mln tons. In particular, anthracite production increased by 7.4% to 20.1 mln tons, and coking coal production decreased by 4.9% to 74.5 mln tons. Mining of other hard coal during the reporting period increased by 0.7% to 155 mln tons, and production of brown coal - by 6.6% to 64.9 mln tons.

Total coal production in Russia decreased by 1.4% in September 2023 compared to September last year, reaching 35 mln tons. Thus, total hard coal production increased by 1.7% to 28 mln tons, while anthracite production increased by 12.5% to 2 mln tons. Coking coal output was 8.4 mln tons, 8.6% less than in September 2022, while other hard coal output increased by 6.2% to 17.7 mln tons. Brown coal output fell by 12.2% to 7 mln tons.