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Gazprom disagrees with Moldova’s stance on debt, plans to defend its rights

The company noted that the audit report was not adopted by the supervisory board of Moldovagaz, as required by the agreements between Gazprom and the Moldovan government

MOSCOW, September 7. /TASS/. Gazprom categorically rejects Moldova's assertions on the historical debt for gas and intends to defend its rights, the company said on Wednesday.

"Gazprom categorically disagrees with Moldova’s statements and intends to continue defending its rights in any way possible," the company said commenting on the press release posted on the website of Moldova's Ministry of Energy, dedicated to the results of the audit of Moldovagaz's historical debt to Gazprom.

At the same time, the company noted that the auditor's report was not accepted by Moldovagaz's supervisory board, as required by the agreements between Gazprom and the Moldovan government.

Earlier, Moldovan Energy Minister Viktor Parlikov stated that, based on the audit results, the republic is prepared to pay $8.6 mln out of a $709 mln of debt to Gazprom. According to him, no supporting documents were submitted for the amount of $276 mln, and another $400 mln is not recoverable due to the statute of limitations. As he stated, the republic is prepared to debate these figures with Gazprom in an international court. Later, the Moldovan Ministry of Energy said that it would pay Gazprom $8.6 mln and write off the balance of the debt.