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Reports about mystery disease have not affected sales of tours to Egypt

"Egypt ranks second in terms of demand among tourists," Vladimir Kaganer said

MOSCOW, July 18. /TASS/. Reports about cases of an unknown disease in Egypt have not affected the demand for tours to that country among Russian tourists, the press service of the Russian Union of Travel Industry said on Tuesday. There is no danger for Russian tourists in Egyptian resorts, the press service added.

"The Russian Federal State Agency for Health and Consumer Rights has strengthened sanitary and quarantine control over flights from Egypt in connection with cases of an unknown disease similar to Dengue fever in the province of Qena. Tour operators-members of the Russian Union of Travel Industry did not notice a decrease in demand for destinations after the reports. The companies note that there is no danger for tourists in the country's resorts," the statement says.

Member of the Board of the Russian Union of Travel Industry, Deputy General Director of Tez Tour Vladimir Kaganer noted that there are no alarming statements from the resorts.

"Egypt ranks second in terms of demand among tourists," he said.

Earlier, the Russian Federal State Agency for Health and Consumer Rights announced that it has enhanced security protocols for flights from Egypt, including with the use of the Perimeter automated information system due to the spread of symptoms of an unknown disease in the Arab country. At the same time, the watchdog emphasized that there were no cases of an unidentified disease in Russia.

The Egyptian Ministry of Health on Sunday said that in the village of El Alikat in the province of Qena, located south of Cairo, a group of local residents showed symptoms of an unknown disease. Patients complain of high fever, aching bones, vomiting and dizziness. Egyptian Minister of Health and Population Khaled Abdel Ghaffar said the situation with the spread of symptoms of an unidentified disease in the country is under control and there is no cause for concern.