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St. Petersburg to accentuate tastes, customs of Asian countries at 2023 SPIEF — governor

Although the coronavirus pandemic is officially over, with just a few dozen new cases a day reported in the SPIEF host city, the health of the guests remains a priority

ST. PETERSBURG, June 13. /TASS/. All facilities and infrastructure are ready to receive guests attending the 2023 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), the preparations for which this year have factored in the large contingent of attendees expected from Middle Eastern and Asian countries, Governor Alexander Beglov told TASS on Tuesday.

"Given the new geographical profile of SPIEF participants, options for group accommodations and catering have been worked out. The hotels have prepared additional instructions in foreign languages, including [Middle Eastern and] Asian languages," Beglov said. These changes are welcomed in the city, he added.

"We are seeing a shift in emphasis for the Forum's overall agenda and topics. The list of participants and geography of the countries [they represent] are changing. We look at this very positively. New guests, new delegations always mean new perspectives, new joint projects and new experience," the governor explained.

Although the coronavirus pandemic is officially over, with just a few dozen new cases a day reported in the SPIEF host city, the health of the guests remains a priority. "Measures against the new coronavirus infection were taken at SPIEF last year and the year before. They are customary and do not scare anyone away," the governor said.

PCR testing centers are open at hotels, railway stations, accreditation centers and at the Forum site, he noted.

"We take our responsibility for hosting one of St. Petersburg’s biggest business events very seriously," Beglov said, talking about the city’s traditional focus on preparations for the Forum. Road repairs, urban beautification, and issues pertaining to accommodations and transport were all handled on time and at the appropriate standard of quality, he added. The Forum venue, the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center, has remained the same. "St. Petersburg is fully ready to welcome [SPIEF] guests," the governor assured TASS.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum - Russia’s showcase annual economic and business event - will be held on June 14-17 this year. The theme of this year's Forum is: "Sovereign Development as the Basis of a Just World: Joining Forces for Future Generations." The SPIEF is organized by the Roscongress Foundation. TASS is the official information partner for the event.