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Property management agency’s performance above target — Accounts Chamber

The surplus against forecast values is predominantly owing to received dividends on shares

MOSCOW, June 13. /TASS/. Revenues of the Russian Federal Agency for State Property Management stood at 775.8 bln rubles ($9.25 bln) in 2022 or 109.4% of the forecast, the Russian Accounts Chamber said in its report released on Tuesday.

The surplus against forecast values is predominantly owing to received dividends on shares. "Dividends on shares constitute the main portion within the revenue structure of the Federal Agency for the State Property Management - 97.1% or 752.9 bln rubles ($8.98 bln)). Twelve largest joint stock companies with the state participation provide for the bulk of earnings," Auditor Andrey Baturkin said.

Meanwhile, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography earned 31.5 bln rubles ($375.5 mln) or 107.3% against the forecast, the Accounts Chamber noted.

"The bulk of receipts (84.9%) was traditionally associated with the provision of services on state registration of real property titles," Baturkin noted. "Performance above the plan was mainly driven by the increase in the scope of electronically provided services. They are application-based and therefore difficult for forecasting," he added.