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Iranian lawmaker calls to revise country’s defense doctrine banning nuclear weapons

Iran has repeatedly emphasized that the supreme leader’s fatwa that the production of nuclear weapons in the country is against Islam is in effect in the country

DUBAI, October 8. /TASS/. Iranian lawmaker Hossein-Ali Amiri has addressed the Supreme National Security Council with a proposal to amend the current defense doctrine, which prohibits the acquisition of nuclear weapons.

"Now that the evil Zionist regime (Israel - TASS) has become absolutely inhumane and no international organization, European or American country can control this mad dog, I address the Supreme National Security Council with a proposal to discuss amending the defense doctrine and <...> submit the proposals [for consideration] to the supreme leader [Ayatollah Ali Khamenei]," the ISNA news agency quoted the lawmaker as saying.

Iran has repeatedly emphasized that the supreme leader’s fatwa that the production of nuclear weapons in the country is against Islam is in effect in the country. The Iranian authorities cite the fatwa as proof of the exclusively peaceful nature of the national nuclear program. Meanwhile, the country's defense doctrine states that the production of nuclear weapons is prohibited.