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South Korea urges vigilance as Russia, North Korea intensify defense cooperation

"This means maintaining full readiness in the field of military and economic security, which could be affected by the situation around the Russia-North Korea treaty and the situation in the Middle East," the president's office said in a statement

SEOUL, June 24. /TASS/. South Korean President Yun Seok Yeol has instructed his senior aides to prepare for all possible scenarios in connection with the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty between Russia and North Korea, the office of the South Korean leader said.

"President Yun Seok Yeol asked on June 24 at a meeting with the chief secretaries to ensure full readiness for security response due to the grave security situation on the Korean Peninsula," the administration stated.

"This means maintaining full readiness in the field of military and economic security, which could be affected by the situation around the Russia-North Korea treaty and the situation in the Middle East," the president's office said in a statement.

On June 19, during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Pyongyang, Russia and North Korea signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty, which stipulates immediate military assistance in the event of an attack on either party. The Russian president said South Korea need not worry about its security following the new agreement. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov noted that only potential aggressors could be concerned about the clause on military assistance, since it is defensive in nature.