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Russian military specialists monitor radiation situation at ZNPP — Defense Ministry

It is also reported that there has been scheduled rotation of International Atomic Energy Agency monitors, with the experts having a chance to examine the main equipment

MOSCOW, August 4. /TASS/. Specialists of Russia’s radiation, chemical, and biological protection force have been taking measures to maintain radiation safety and monitor the situation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"Specialists of Russia’s radiation, chemical and biological protection force at the ZNPP have been taking measures to maintain radiation safety and monitor the radiation situation," the Defense Ministry said.

At the ZNPP there has been scheduled rotation of International Atomic Energy Agency monitors, the ministry said. IAEA experts regularly visit ZNPP facilities and have a chance to examine the main equipment.

"They have been able to see for themselves more than once that at the ZNPP all the necessary conditions are maintained for its safe operation. There are sufficient water reserves and all mandatory maintenance procedures are carried out on time," the Defense Ministry said.

On Thursday, there was another rotation of IAEA observers at the nuclear power plant. The new team consists of four inspectors, who will keep an eye on and assess the plant's safety. Renat Karchaa, an adviser to the Rosenergoatom concern’s CEO, told TASS that the new mission included specialists from Ireland, Pakistan, Finland and South Korea.

The Zaporozhye NPP located in Energodar, with its six reactors and a total capacity of 6 GW, is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. At the end of February 2022, the facility was put under control by Russian forces. Since then, the Ukrainian army has periodically shelled both the residential areas of Energodar and the power plant’s, using drones, heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems.