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Russian defense chief orders to organize control of Pacific Fleet’s sweeping drills

The defense chief also issued instructions to ensure strict compliance with safety requirements, the safekeeping and handling of weapons and ammunition

MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu handed down an order to Navy Commander-in-Chief Nikolay Yevmenov and the General Staff to organize control of the Pacific Fleet’s large-scale drills that kicked off on Friday.

"The Navy commander-in-chief and the General Staff shall organize control of the operations by military command centers and forces. Corresponding task teams shall be set up. The commanders-in-chief of the military branches, the heads of central military authorities shall ensure the work of representatives in the headquarters of the military command and inspection groups," the defense chief said at a meeting with military commanders.

The defense chief also issued instructions to ensure strict compliance with safety requirements, the safekeeping and handling of weapons and ammunition and exclude the instances of damaging state property at all the stages of the drills.

"I request the chief of the General Staff to bring the objectives of organizing and conducting the inspection to the notice of all those concerned," Shoigu said.