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Putin and Kim Jong Un exchange their inmost thoughts on the way from airport — KCNA

Russian president expressed deep thanks to North Korean leader for coming to the airport to greet him warmly, the agency reported

PYONGYANG, June 19. /TASS/. On the way from Pyongyang airport, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un discussed the reliable development of relations between the two countries and shared their innermost thoughts with each other, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.

"Passing through charmingly lit streets of Pyongyang at night, the top leaders exchanged their pent-up inmost thoughts and opened their minds to more surely develop the DPRK-Russia relations in conformity with the common desire and will of the peoples of the two countries with the meeting as a momentum," the agency reported.

"Being pleased that his Pyongyang visit was realized, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin expressed deep thanks to Kim Jong Un for coming to the airport to greet him warmly," the agency said adding that upon arrival "Putin was presented with a bouquet by a woman worker." The main part of Putin's visit to Pyongyang will take place on June 19. The leaders of the two countries are expected to spend almost the entire day at the negotiating table in various formats.

As presidential aid Yury Ushakov said, Putin's visit to the DPRK is, of course, important for bilateral relations and their further development, but besides this, the trip "shows that Russia stands for an equal dialogue and is open to cooperation with all countries, especially with our closest neighbors, despite all attempts of the collective The West to put pressure on us." He noted that during the negotiations the parties will pay particular attention to discussing the international agenda.