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Chinese MFA slams NATO as Cold War relic amid warnings on Russia aid

According to Lin Jian, the alliance is "the legacy of the Cold War," which should "reflect on itself, rather than smear and attack China"

BEIJING, June 18. /TASS/. The North Atlantic alliance is a relic of the past, and should do some soul-searching about its purpose, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lin Jian said at a briefing.

"China’s objective and just position and constructive role are widely recognized by the international community," he said at a briefing, commenting on NATO Director General Jens Stoltenberg’s warnings to China not to aid Russia in the Ukrainian conflict.

According to the diplomat, the alliance is "the legacy of the Cold War," which should "reflect on itself, rather than smear and attack China." "China is not a creator of or a party to the Ukraine crisis," the diplomat recalled, reiterating that Beijing advocates for the peaceful settlement to the conflict.

The representatives of the collective West try to accuse China of supporting Russia on a regular basis. According to US State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller, the US is ready to adopt measures against China for allegedly supplying Russia with spare parts to help in the production of military hardware. He believes that this is a "threat not just to Ukraine but to European security."