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Some US intelligence community members blame US for Ukraine conflict — US journalist

The US investigative journalist also pointed to "the haphazard state of the Biden administration’s foreign policy"

NEW YORK, May 24. /TASS/. US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh wrote on his blog on Substack that some members of the US intelligence community believe that the United States bears its own responsibility for the conflict in Ukraine.

"There are those in the American intelligence community who believe that America bears its own responsibility for the war in Ukraine," he wrote. "There have all along been concerns among some inside the American intelligence community about what are seen as Biden’s irrational views on Russia and Putin, dating back to his days in the Senate."

In the journalist’s words, "Biden is joined in his hardline stance toward Russia by his two senior foreign policy aides— Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, both of whom are masters of making self-serving leaks to friendly journalists."

Hersh also pointed to "the haphazard state of the Biden administration’s foreign policy."

In his State of the Union speech in March, Biden "repeatedly strained credulity in his urging of Congress for more funding for Ukraine’s war against Russia," Hersh added.