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Hamas officials to discuss details of hostage deal with Egyptian intelligence chief

Earlier, Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh said that the movement "has received the proposal developed during the discussions in Paris and is currently studying it"

DUBAI, January 31. /TASS/. A delegation of representatives of the political bureau of the radical Palestinian movement Hamas will discuss with Director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate Abbas Kamel the details of the alleged hostage deal worked out in Paris, the Qatari TV channel Al Arabiya reported, citing an Egyptian source.

According to the channel, the talks scheduled for Wednesday in Cairo will focus on the duration of the ceasefire in the first phase of the deal, as well as the number of Hamas militants to be released from Israeli prisons in exchange for the release of hostages held by the radicals in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, Hamas political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh said that the movement "has received the proposal developed during the discussions in Paris and is currently studying it." At the same time, Haniyeh pointed out that the priority for Hamas in formulating a response to the Paris agreement remains "an immediate cessation of aggression" and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip. According to him, the movement is ready to consider only those initiatives that can ensure the fulfillment of these conditions.

CNN reported earlier, citing a source, that talks in Paris involving Egypt, Israel, Qatar and the United States had produced a preliminary proposal for the release of the hostages. The first stage calls for a six-week pause in hostilities. During this period, each Hamas-held civilian would be exchanged for three Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. This ratio could be increased for the exchange of Israeli soldiers. The six-week truce could be followed by a longer pause, the TV channel said.