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European diplomats fear Trump may cut off aid to Ukraine if re-elected US president

According to the agency, the diplomats doubt that Trump would honor Washington's commitment to defend NATO allies

WASHINGTON, December 19. /TASS/. Diplomats in some European countries fear that former US President Donald Trump may cut off aid to Ukraine and abandon commitments to NATO allies if re-elected, Reuters reports.

According to nearly 20 current and former aides and diplomats, Trump will likely install loyalists in key positions in the Pentagon, the Department of State and the CIA in case he wins the 2024 presidential election. This would enable him "to make sweeping changes to the US stance on issues ranging from the Ukraine war to trade with China."

"Eight European diplomats interviewed by Reuters said there were doubts about whether Trump would honor Washington's commitment to defend NATO allies and acute fears he would cut off aid to Ukraine amid its war with Russia," the news agency said. A Northern European diplomat in Washington said that he and his colleagues had been in contact with Trump aides in recent years.

The media outlet also cited Robert O’Brien, Trump's former national security adviser, who said that the former US president "came to realize that personnel is policy." "At the outset of his administration, there were a lot of people that were interested in implementing their own policies, not the president's policies," O’Brien added. According to Reuters, Trump aides say he is inclined to cut defense aid to Europe and further shrink economic ties with China.

The United States will hold its presidential election in November 2024. Incumbent US President Joe Biden officially launched his candidacy to seek a second White House term in late April. Former US President Donald Trump announced his plans to seek re-election in November 2022.