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Rome hosts presentation of book `How the West Brought War to Ukraine’ in Italian

The author who is based in Washington told the audience about his book which was published in his native country a bit more than a year ago

ROME, October 7. /TASS/. A presentation of the book by US author and historian Benjamin Abelow, "How the West Brought War to Ukraine," translated into Italian, was held in a central bookstore in the Italian capital on Friday.

The author who is based in Washington told the audience about his book which was published in his native country a bit more than a year ago.

So far, Abelow told TASS, his book has been translated into Danish, Dutch, German, Polish and Slovenian. "The book will soon be published in France. And it is selling very well in the United States," the author said. Although he would like the book to be published in Ukraine and Russia, as well, he is afraid that doing so could be a physical hazard in the former country, while he would hate to get himself in trouble at home having it published in the latter nation. Abelow said he was not sure if authorities in his country could restrict his travel or take his money as punishment. "I don’t know, so we'll see," he added.

Originally meant as an essay, the book analyzes the statements by Westerners, including US and NATO officials, to show that they spread disinformation about the conflict and impose fake news on the world. In effect, the author disavows claims that Russia is to blame for all as he provides insights into the propaganda nature of the mainstream Western narrative.