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Finland cancels order seizing Russian Science and Culture Center building — TV

Earlier on Wednesday, the Russian embassy submitted a note of protest to the Finnish Foreign Ministry, calling for an explanation as to "how the bailiffs’ actions line up with the norms of international law on immunity of state property"

STOCKHOLM, April 19. /TASS/. Finnish authorities have canceled the temporary order seizing the building of the Russian Science and Culture Center in Helsinki, as well as the land plot it stands on, the Yle public broadcaster reported on Wednesday.

The broadcaster pointed out citing a statement from Aki Virtanen, head of a debt collection agency, that the temporary order to seize the Russian center in Helsinki "was canceled today, on April 19." It was specified that no reasons to seize the property had been "found."

Earlier on Wednesday, the Russian embassy submitted a note of protest to the Finnish Foreign Ministry, calling for an explanation as to "how the bailiffs’ actions line up with the norms of international law on immunity of state property," Yle reported. The Finnish Foreign Ministry confirmed that they received this official request.

On Tuesday, the Helsingin Sanomat daily reported that Finnish authorities had issued a temporary seizure warrant on the building and land plot of the Russian Science and Culture Center in Helsinki. As long as the warrant is in effect, Russia and its agencies are not allowed "to transfer, destroy or mortgage the property," whose total area is over 3,300 square meters. Earlier, Finnish authorities froze the bank accounts and other assets of the Russian center.