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Kosovo riot police open fire on Serbian car, driver wounded — news portal

Kosovo separatists often employ "petty terrorism" tactics against the region’s Serbian population, such as attacks on residential buildings and first-aid stations, arson, cattle raiding, carjacking and beatings

BELGRADE, April 11. /TASS/. Riot police of unrecognized Kosovo opened fire on a Serbian vehicle on the Leposavic-Zvecan highway near a bridge over the Bistrica River, the Kosovo Online news portal reported on Tuesday.

The driver was wounded and taken to a hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica in severe condition for surgery. The incident occurred overnight on Tuesday.

Kosovo separatists often employ "petty terrorism" tactics against the region’s Serbian population, such as attacks on residential buildings and first-aid stations, arson, cattle raiding, carjacking and beatings. According to the Serbian media, young Albanians attack Serbian women with children and Orthodox priests and stone Serbian pilgrims who visit local holy places. As Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said in mid-January, there have been more than 300 such attacks over the course of two years.

The Serbian Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija unilaterally declared independence in February 2008. In recent years, with the West’s backing, the breakaway province has been actively trying to join various international organizations, including UNESCO and Interpol. More than 60 countries, including Russia, India and China, as well as five EU member states, oppose Kosovo’s recognition.