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Battles along northeastern direction of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border under way

According to preliminary information, as a result of hostilities, there are casualties on both sides, the Armenian Defense Ministry reported

YEREVAN, July 28. / TASS /. The Armenian Defense Ministry reported that battles began early Wednesday in the northeastern direction of the border with Azerbaijan.

"On July 28, at about 03:40 (local time, 02:40 Moscow time), units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces once again provoked a violation of the ceasefire in the northeastern sector of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Local battles are underway. As of 06:00 [05:00 Moscow time] the fighting is still underway. All responsibility for the aggravation of the situation lies with the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan, "the statement reads, which was distributed by the press service of the Ministry. "As of 07:00 [06:00 Moscow time], local battles continue. According to preliminary information, as a result of hostilities, there are casualties on both sides. That information is being checked out, " Ministry of Defense added.

The situation at the border has remained turbulent since May 12. Then the Armenian military department stated that the Azerbaijani armed forces, in order to "adjust the border" tried to carry out "certain work" in one of the border regions of the Syunik region. Since then, both sides have reported incidents every so often.