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Society to accept AI ethical norms in 15-20 years — expert

Sergey Nakvasin added that popularization of the AI ethics topics, public discussions and demonstration of cases by market players should facilitate achievement of this goal

MOSCOW, November 17. /TASS/. The transition of the Russian society to the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies will take 15-20 years, Director of the National Artificial Intelligence Development Center told TASS.

"I think 15-20 years will be needed," Sergey Nakvasin said. "My personal example is that knowledge that had received at ecology classes in the third form influenced my behavior when I was 20-25 years old. I selected my first car not by make or by color but by the volume of harmful substances discharged by it into atmosphere. Certainly, the conscious selection in favor of environment wellbeing is formed earlier. So we may see first results of the ethical attitude towards AI development and use by 2030," the expert said.

Popularization of the AI ethics topics, public discussions and demonstration of cases by market players should facilitate achievement of this goal, Nakvasin noted.

"AI ethical norms may become common at a certain starting level [on account of that by the end of the decade]. The society will start distinguishing positive and negative practices in evolution and use of these technologies," the expert added.