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Mortality rate in Russia declining in 2M 2023 — statistics

In February 2023, 95,960 infants were born and 132,809 individuals died

MOSCOW, April 14. /TASS/. The mortality rate in Russia contracted by 21.5% year on year in January - February 2023, the Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service said on its website on Friday.

"The mortality rate fell by 21.5% over the first two months of 2023 against January - February 2022; the birth rate dropped by 2.7%. The infant mortality rate declined by 12.1% in January - February 2023 against the like period of 2022," the statistical service informed.

199,295 infants were born in January-February 2023. 301,227 individuals died. The natural loss stood at 101,932 individuals, down 43% against January-February of the last year. Registered marriages and divorces in Russia totaled 91,527 and 99,130 respectively year-to-date.

In February 2023, 95,960 infants were born and 132,809 individuals died. The fatality rate declined in February by 30.3% annually and the birth rate dropped by 5.9%. The infant mortality rate fell by 16.2% year on year in February 2023. 47,537 marriages and 46,101 divorces were registered in Russia in February 2023.