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13 Oct 2019, 03:32

Typhoon Hagibis brings bad weather to South Kuril Islands

The rescue service announced a storm warning a day earlier

TASS, October 13. The typhoon Hagibis on its move to the Pacific has brought heavy rain and strong wind to the southern part of the Greater Kuril Ridge, the Sakhalin Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Department told TASS on Sunday.

The rescue service announced a storm warning a day earlier. Heavy rain and wind with gusts up to 33 meters per second are expected in the Southern Kuril and Kuril Districts.

"The typhoon affects South Kuril Islands by its north band now. A strong rain is there now, with wind power reaching 25 meters per second. The typhoon will not influence on the weather on the Sakhalin Island. The wind will intensify to 33 meters per second with gusts in the south of the Kuril Islands, which corresponds to a hurricane," the Department said.

At least eight individuals died, 24 are reported missing, and more than 100 were injured due to the typhoon. Tokyo’s airports Haneda and Narita resumed operations but the railway traffic is suspended in many destinations. Local authorities were reported as promising to restart the traffic on Sunday.